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1dasul Membro Senior Registrado
490 Mensagens 0 Curtidas

Wine + Windows Media Player

#1 Por 1dasul 01/01/2003 - 14:17
Eu gravei algumas musicas no Windows Media Player e gostaria de ouvi-las no Linux, tem como configurar o Wine para utilizar o Media Player? Se tem alguém pode me ensinar o processo pra fazer isto, ou então alguma outra alternativa de ouvir essas musicas gravadas no formato do Media Player no Linux?
domus Ubbergeek Registrado
7.6K Mensagens 17 Curtidas
#6 Por domus
02/01/2003 - 05:15
eu so queria saber o problema q o mplayer nao possa resolver???????? 8) 8)


Features of MPlayer

MPlayer is a movie player for LINUX (runs on many other Unices, and non-x86 CPUs, see the documentation). It plays most MPEG, VOB, AVI, VIVO, ASF/ WMV, QT/MOV, FLI, NuppelVideo, yuv4mpeg, FILM, RoQ, OGG and some RealMedia files, supported by many native, XAnim, and Win32 DLL codecs. You can watch VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, FLI, and even DivX movies too (and you don't need the avifile library at all!). Another big feature of mplayer is the wide range of supported output drivers. It works with X11, Xv, DGA, OpenGL, SVGAlib, fbdev, AAlib, but you can use SDL (and this way all drivers of SDL), VESA (on every VESA compatible card, even without X!), and some lowlevel card-specific drivers (for Matrox, 3Dfx and Radeon) too! Most of them supports software or hardware scaling, so you can enjoy movies in fullscreen. MPlayer supports displaying through some hardware MPEG decoder boards, such as the DVB and DXR3/Hollywood+ ! And what about the nice big antialiased shaded subtitles (9 supported types!!!) with european/ISO 8859-1,2 (hungarian, english, czech, etc), cyrillic, korean fonts, and OSD?

Supported input formats

(S)VCD (Video CD) directly from CD-ROM or from CDRwin's .bin image file
DVD, directly from your DVD disk, using libmpdvdkit (included) or libdvdread/ libdvdcss (optional) for chapter support and decryption
MPEG 1/2 System Stream (PS/PES/VOB) and Elementary Stream (ES) file formats
RIFF AVI file format
ASF/WMV/WMA format
QT/MOV/MP4 format
RealAudio/RealVideo format
OGG/OGM format
VIVO v1,v2 format
FLI format
NuppelVideo format
yuv4mpeg format
FILM (.cpk) format
RoQ format
supports reading from file, fifo/stdin, (S)VCD/DVD or network via HTTP/MMS/ MMST/RTP

Supported video and audio codecs

The most important video codecs:

MPEG1 (VCD) and MPEG2 (SVCD/DVD/DVB) video
MPEG4, DivX ;-), OpenDivX (DivX4), DivX 5.02, XviD and other MPEG4 variants
Windows Media Video v7 (WMV1), v8 (WMV2) and v9 (WMV3) used in .wmv files
RealVideo 1.0, 2.0 (G2), 3.0 (RP8), 4.0 (RP9)
Sorenson v1/v3 (SVQ1/SVQ3), Cinepak, RPZA and other common QuickTime codecs
Intel Indeo codecs (3.x,4.1,5.0)
VIVO v1, v2
MJPEG variants, HuffYUV, ZLIB/MSZH, ASV2 and other capture/hardware formats
FLI, RoQ and other old/rare animation formats

The most important audio codecs:

MPEG layer 1, 2 and 3 (MP3) audio
AC3/A52 (dolby digital) audio (software or SP/DIF)
WMA (DivX Audio) v1, v2 (native codec)
WMA 9 (WMAv3), Voxware audio, ACELP.net etc (using x86 DLLs)
RealAudio: COOK, SIPRO, ATRAC3, DNET (using RP's plugins)
QuickTime: Qclp, Q-Design QDMC/QDM2, MACE 3/6 (using QT's DLLs)
Ogg Vorbis audio codec
VIVO audio (g723, Vivo Siren) using x86 DLL
alaw/ulaw, (ms)gsm, pcm, *adpcm and other simple old audio formats

For the complete list, check the daily updated Codecs Status Page!

Supported video output devices


x11:X11 with SHM extension
xv:X11 using overlays with the Xvideo extension (hardware YUV & scaling)
gl:OpenGL renderer
gl2:Alternative OpenGL renderer (with multiple textures)
dga:X11 DGA extension (both v1.0 and v2.0)
fbdev:Output to general framebuffers
svga:Output to SVGAlib
sdl:SDL >= v1.1.7 driver (supports software scaling, and versions >=1.1.8 even support Xvideo, thus hardware rendering)
ggi:similar to SDL
aalib:Textmode rendering
vesa:display through the VESA BIOS (also needed for Radeon TV-out)
directfbbig_green.pngirectFB support

Card specific:

vidix:VIDeo Interface for *niX
xvidix:VIDIX in X window
mga:Matrox G200/G400 hardware YUV overlay via the mga_vid device
xmga:Matrox G200/G400 overlay (mga_vid) in X11 window (Xv emulation on X 3.3.x !)
syncfb:Matrox G400 YUV support on framebuffer (not tested, maybe broken)
3dfx:Voodoo 3/Banshee hardware YUV support (/dev/3dfx) (not yet tested, maybe broken)
tdfxfb:Voodoo 3/Banshee hardware YUV support on tdfx framebuffer (works!)


png:PNG files output (use -z switch to set compression)
jpeg:JPEG files output
gif89a:Animated GIF files output
yuv4mpeg:yuv4mpeg output for mjpegtools
pgm:PGM files output (for testing purposes)
md5:MD5sum output (for mpeg conformance tests)
null:Null output (for speed tests/benchmarking)
BIGX333 Membro Senior Registrado
211 Mensagens 0 Curtidas
#8 Por BIGX333
04/01/2003 - 02:58
Ei tio vo te da uma ajudinha, uma receita de bolo aí vai:

1 - Instale o CrossOver Plugin

2 - Instale o Windows Media Player 6.4 por ele

3 - Na parte onde vc escolhe a associação dos arquivos com os programas queel instalo selecione avi ou qualuqer outro que seja do windows media player e marque KDE, GNOME, NESCAPE/NÃOSEIOQUEMAIL

4 - Bem vc não sabe mais ele cria um menu chamado .hidden la dentro tem uma entrada pro mplayer2, ahco uqe vc deve saber que o mplayer2 é o nome do executavel do windows media player, bem o comando do icone é /opt/crossover/bin/wine.sh "C:/Program Files/Windows Media Player/mplayer2.exe" :switch:Play "%L" acho que vc sabe oque tem que fazer né? só colocar isso no terminal esperar e o windows media player estara funfando como no windows(tirando que fica aparecendo aquele banner dos infernos).

Bem é só isso fui.

EDIT: Cara só uma coisa ele demora pra abrir então num esquenta se ele demorar um bommm tempo pra abrir.
Slackware and Gentoo User 8O
Viva Tchê Guevara Viva la Revolucion GNU/LINUX
[email]bigx333@linuxmail.org[/email]  Pinguim roxx :lol:
AlexRock Super Participante Registrado
677 Mensagens 2 Curtidas
#9 Por AlexRock
05/01/2003 - 01:16
E ai companheiro, usa o mplayer como já foi dito ai. Eu uso ele aqui nas minhas WMA e funciona que é uma beleza, parece até que o som fica melhor :lol:
Não reencode suas música, vai perder qualidade, se vc já teve a infelicidade de alguma vez usar WMA (como eu), o mplayer é uma ótima solução, alias, o melhor software pra linux que já usei.
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