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MetroidFelip... Geek Registrado
1.7K Mensagens 160 Curtidas

Software de rastreamento da Phorm por provedores brasileiros não passa desapercebida.

#1 Por MetroidFelip... 02/04/2010 - 21:56
Meu deus se for como Lord Enigm@ descreveu a c oisa e + seria do que eu pensavaQual o destino de toda essa informação ?
PHIRON Zumbi Registrado
6K Mensagens 418 Curtidas
#15 Por PHIRON
02/03/2011 - 08:54
Lord Enigm@ disse:
Não, não é "um programa para windows", creio que você ainda não entendeu a gravidade do assunto.

Teoricamente e comprovadamente você não está livre em usar um navegador nativo em qualquer plataforma, em suas andanças pela grande rede.

O projecto inicial se limitava apenas aos discadores, porém:

Para concluir, vejam:

http://www.google.com.br/GET / HTTP/1.1Host: www.google.com.brUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflateAccept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7Keep-Alive: 115Cookie: PREF=ID=ef1a2f860ee44ba4:FF=0:TM=1298596811:LM=1298596811:S=_CLPCwtZYiWclJPZ; NID=44=mspBlQC2kNeqpB3jp_aJJsE0ZTJBY8OvYshObM9Fxo8zFagagxt8Imurm59q2CJhAoZ3GXD4mD0VeLNrlmDEUTLqf6LbE5yljSSaKhL8TOzLL7LrZeotnRXOvJNt3gg0DNT: 1Connection: keep-aliveHTTP/1.0 307 Temporary RedirectServer: PxSPragma: no-cacheCache-Control: no-cacheExpires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMTConnection: closeDate: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 01:20:42 GMTContent-Type: text/plainLocation: http://a.oix.net/services/invite?eorig=GQB4AcsoKSmw0tcvLy_XS8_PT89J1UvOz9VLKtIHAHf7CQc.&tok=2TNeK8aHVcUkD6-Pz6N2RwAFContent-Length: 1

Host Name a.oix.netIP Address United KingdomNetwork Name PHORM-NETOwner Name PHORM-INCFrom IP IP Name Phorm Admin TeamAddress Phorm UK Inc. Liberty House 222 Regent Street London W1B 5TREmail ripe@phorm.com Whois Source RIPE NCC

Para aqueles que conhecem sobre o assunto, sabem o que significa os codes.

Para os incrédulos, isso não passa de uma simples teoria da conspiração. wink.png

Entendi, o post inicial remetia à uma página onde indicava uma "solução de software de pesquisa personalizada", mas com a anuência das operadoras a coisa fica mais e mais complicada, qualquer dia desses logo após você clickar em um link qualquer os federais chegam na sua casa te prendendo te acusando de terrorista...
The Pretender
The Pretende... Zumbi Registrado
8.5K Mensagens 82 Curtidas
#16 Por The Pretende...
02/03/2011 - 17:22
Não entendi bulhufas..

Isso é um navegador tipo IEca e Firefox? Ou é um Proxy Transparente que fica monitorando tudo o que faço, independente de instalar algo no meu micro?

Sendo assim, mesmo com Linux não estou seguro? Será o pé da cabrita que vamos ter de começar a fazer tunel SSL/VPN pra conseguir navegar decentemente???

Ta louco.... Daqui a pouco a única solução vai ser implementar as idéias do FreeNET.

-->Blog Pessoal - Um pianista "desajeitado" <--
-->Eletrônica no YouTube - Bobsien P&D <--

- Sound Blaster Live 5.1! Digital e 3DFX Voodoo 4 4500PCI - Minhas relíquias!
freeosbr Geek Registrado
1.9K Mensagens 216 Curtidas
#17 Por freeosbr
27/03/2011 - 18:54
Tá complicado isso. O que se pode fazer é jogar para o Ministério Público e o DPF para investigar e processar essas porcarias de pseudas empresas. Com o IG já tive problemas sérios de roubo de informações. Pois quando resolvi mudar meu provedor há alguns anos atrás a IG através do Call Center não aceita boleto somente débito em conta ou cartão de crédito. E minha mulher passou o número do cartão e os três digitos de segurança. Consequência ela recebeu uma assinatura de uma revista da Globo, feita sem sua autorização. Apesar de não ser muito afeito à dona do plim plim eles se mostraram muito profissionais em cancelar a assinatura. Mas infelizmente minha mulher não quis processar o IG por isso. Se fosse eu tinha detonado e colocado uns calhordas na cadeia.
Mas, de antemão vou informar meus clientes inclusive empresas a quem presto serviços sobre isso.
Antes de perguntar leia
O Guia do e-mala

Co Yvy Oguereco Yara
Hellwind Super Participante Registrado
854 Mensagens 14 Curtidas
#18 Por Hellwind
27/03/2011 - 19:45
Então servidores que prestam serviços de internet de graça e/ou cabo que, precisa de login para entrar tá tudo sendo "gravado"... mas para que?

Não sei, chantagem no futuro próximo? Será que é uma forma de tirar nossa liberdade em sites de relacionamento ou "piratas"(sites de torrent, pornô e sei lá mais o que)?

Rezo que a Net Virtua antigamente não tenha sido assim, porque hoje tem anda disso aqui, além de ter trocado o pc 3 vezes desde lá.
[PRIME A320M-K/BR / Rysen 5 2400G / Patriot Viper 2x8GB DDR4 2666MHz / 120GB SSD + 1TB SATA III / RX550 2GB / Corsair TX750 / Windows 10 PRO 64bits]

RIP PC antigo
[GA-EP43-DS3L / Quad Core Q9550 /Kingston 2x2GB DDR2 800 MHz / 500GB SATA II / HD6950 2GB / Corsair TX650 / Windows 7 Professional 64bits]
freeosbr Geek Registrado
1.9K Mensagens 216 Curtidas
#20 Por freeosbr
29/03/2011 - 10:52
Acredito que não cara. Uma vez acionado fica complicado. Esse post do Lord Enigm@ é do ano passado e acabei revivendo ele. Mas passou despercebido por mim, pois as coisas aqui no forum andam rápido demais e às vezes vc fica uma semana sem acessar e acaba perdendo posts importantes como este. Veja vc que apesar da importância há poucos posts nele. Ou seja, acho que muita gente deve ter passado batido.
Grande abraço.
Antes de perguntar leia
O Guia do e-mala

Co Yvy Oguereco Yara
The Pretender
The Pretende... Zumbi Registrado
8.5K Mensagens 82 Curtidas
#21 Por The Pretende...
30/03/2011 - 11:47
Pois é.

Me pergunto como isto funciona. Sniffer? Proxy transparente? Creio que deve ser semelhante a tantos IDS que tem por que não podem ser percebidos, logo, não existe forma de conseguir provas reais da quebra de sigilo e portanto, margem para um processo.

Se bem que no Brasil, não existe forma de provar judicialmente algo do tipo, veja por exemplo, o Traffic Shapping, que mesmo não estando em contrato e sendo aplicado, não há formas de prova-lo judicialmente frente a um processo. frown.png

Realmente, eu fico muito preocupado com este tipo de coisa. Assim como eles o fazem, qualquer um pode fazer. E sabemos que a segurança nestas empresas é pífia, imaginem o que um cracker faria com acesso ao banco de dados deste software?

-->Blog Pessoal - Um pianista "desajeitado" <--
-->Eletrônica no YouTube - Bobsien P&D <--

- Sound Blaster Live 5.1! Digital e 3DFX Voodoo 4 4500PCI - Minhas relíquias!
MorbidFracta... Membro Senior Registrado
136 Mensagens 23 Curtidas
#22 Por MorbidFracta...
30/03/2011 - 23:43
Forgive my English.. I am English.


We have fought this for a long time in England, since 2007 and it had started without our knowledge before then, one of the first to notice it was,


sysip.net was the domain people were redirected to when Phorm first covertly tried this on British Telecom customers. The version in Brasil, being used or trialled by Oi and Telefonica uses a.oix.net which as some have noted is actually based in the United Kingdom. For some it will be easier to see a webpage,


Including a.oix.net are three other domains being used,


a.oix.net is used to check your opted-in status. b.oix.net and w.oix.net are being used to provide the Behaviourally Targeted Advertising and, in part, 'Your Personalised Internet', Navegador based on how you have been 'profiled' by the system. d.oix.net is the 'back end' to an RSS feed agregator. The takes 'free' newsfeeds and presents them as if personalised to you on another webpage. This is what Phorm want to exchange for your privacy.

The Oi and Telefonica versions are at,


It may be that I see them in a different way to that you will and you might not see them at all or just be told they are 'Not Available in Your Region'. This is because they check to see if you are connected to their network.





It is possible to see 'deeper' if you use a Proxy based on the Oi,TNL-PCS network. You may know TNL-PCS is Telemar Norte Leste. Ther is a list of such proxies here,


Use one belonging to Tele Norte Leste Participações S.A. Not all of them may work but when you find one that does if you visit,


Then instead of being told it is 'Not Available in Your Region' you will be immediately presented with the following page,


As the page loads, if you have a slow connection, then you will see the contact being made with,




The last site is checking on you activity on this page via a javascript element that uses 'Mint',


Notice that 'a sua internet personalizada' is just providing links to information collected from free RSS feeds. Something anyone can discover and bookmark by doing a Google search. Some of those feeds come from Phorms 'partners'... Terra, and IG perhaps. UOL is included although apparently UOL have now rejected Phorm. Globo and Estadao, who denied the partnership. It all helps drive your traffic to their sites such that they can profit from advertising...

'hidden' at the bottom of that page is the notice,


Telling you that by visiting this page you have been automatically 'opted-in'. If you did not see it you might ignore things and carry on surfing without ever knowing. Otherwise you need to go to another page in order to 'opt-out'. If you do then the process is confusing. It would be very easy to be mislead into thinking that you are 'free' of it when in fact you are not.

This is what Phorm refer to as a 'clear and ongoing choice' but on the basis of some of what I have seen posted on Brasilian sites it is anything but. For example,


The system checks whether you have made that choice and if you have not will repeatedly take you back to the same page until you do and install the 'Phorm Cookie', more on that in a while. This means that if you wanted to visit this site,


or any other favourite you would be first taken, redirected, to 'Phorms/Oi's' page to make your choice and that would happen until you had. It may also happen repeatedly or at a later date depending on how you use your browser.

I am unable to access the 'real' Telefonica version, I suspect their system is not so advanced as of yet and of course again I might not be seing exactly what a Brasilian surfer might see but here is a version of it..


You will see from the address bar that I have taken a more direct route. I still had to use a TNL-PCS based proxy to see the page though.

Regarding the 'Phorm Cookies', plural because there are a number of them. I am able to 'fool' the system into letting me install them. First I visit,



I am told 'desativado na sua casa', Disabled in your Home. I am also told 'nao esta ativo para todos os computadores da sua casa', Is not active for all computers in your home. The message is confusing and I would say deliberately so. Phorm/Oi/Telefonica do not make money from you unless you are 'opted-in'.

Presently I have the following cookie on my computer,


From navegador.oi.com.br but it is set to expire at the end of my browsing session. It is not 'persistent' and therefore will not keep a record of my 'choice'/'status'. If I now click on 'Ativar Agora Gratis'.. Activate for FREE, let us make more money from you.. I get,


'Conectar ao Navegador' would show me the 'Experimente' page. At the moment I now have these cookies,


I have gain two from oix.net which is the domain on which the others; a.oix.net, b.oix.net, d.oix.net and w.oix.net are hosted as sub-domains. One gives my status as opted in and the other is my Unique IDentifier, UID.

I am uncertain but you may notice from the pictures that I am running the FireFox Dephormation plug-in and it is possible that the author has adapted it to 'break' that UID cookie in order to render Phorms tracking worthless. Previously I was receiving the expected 24 character UID. Of course perhaps Phorm have changed things again or I am not seeing the 'real' system as might be seen by a Brasilian Surfer.

Again these cookies are set to expire at the end of my browsing session so there is no 'persistence'. If I now click on 'Conectar ao Navegador' I am taken to the 'Experimente Page', the one with the notice at the bottom saying that by visiting the page I have activated the system. If I do not want it I can 'clique aqui' to check my status. If I do I am presented with,


I am told 'desativado na sua casa', Disabled in your Home. I am also told 'nao esta ativo para todos os computadores da sua casa', Is not active for all computers in your home. The 'confusing' message again. At this point I might 'feel safe'. It is off and Phorm are not going to follow me around the internet 'spying on me'. BUT my cookies tell a different story. I am still 'opted-in'. It is, perhaps as Elio Gaspari has suggested, A Cheat!

Many people, who know, will have their browsers set up to do this anyway. Many people will not know about Flash Persistent Locally Stored Objects, LSO's, also known as Super Cookies..

How will Phorm know my 'choice' if these cookies, normal ones, will expire at the end of my browsing session or I clear my, normal, cookies anyway?


That information is stored in an LSO/Super-Cookie which is persistent between browser sessions. Unless I have installed the 'Better Privacy' Firefox plug-in. This is actually in violation of the Internet Advertising Bureaus, IAB, 'rules', Phorm is a member, on the use of such devices. What happens if I use such tools as Better Privacy to clear such cookies?

I would imagine Phorm will come back knocking on my door with their 'clear and ongoing choice' asking me if I wish to 'opt-in' again which they will undoubtedly do because if I am not 'opted-in' they will not be able to profit from me. Given the above might I be sure that if I am, apparently, 'opted-out' I am actually 'opted-out'?

Of course, at a limited level, I may know about such things and I do not doubt that people who visit a forum such as this will be aware as well. What about your Neighbours, Brothers, Sisters, Children, Wife, Husband, Parents or GrandParents? The 'ordinary' people. Would they know what to do or would they be confused and end up being followed and advertised to in order for Phorm and their Partners to make a profit from them without really being aware of what was happening.

So, ignoring others, how might you protect yourself from this?

Perhaps Firefox Plug-ins... NoScript/Ad-Block Plus/Beef Taco/Better Privacy?


As the page suggests the tool is not a 'solution'. If your ISP uses Phorm you need to find a new ISP. Unfortunately, in Brasil, for many that is not an option. Even less so when you consider that Oi/TNL-PCS and Telefonica have control of 60% of the consumer broadband network. Where can you go?

I see people mention the use of Proxy Servers, as I have used to investigate this, or perhaps Virtual Private Networks. I might ask why you should be forced to change your behaviour just because your ISP attempts to force a profit making scheme on you? Would they work..?


Chinese telecoms giant furiously scrubs links to Phorm

Did not scrub fast enough. This is the, other, part of the system Phorm do not wish people to know about, including CADE. This is the Deep Packet Inspection equipment that your ISP will install in their networks to intercept and analyse your communications for a profit in exchange for free RSS feeds..



It is not installed on your computer. When you see 'a.oix.net'/'sysip.net' you do not have a virus..


Someone, your ISP, has installed Deep Packet Inspection equipment in the network and it is sitting between your computer and the internet. That's before you can get to a Proxy server and possibly a VPN. They can see 'all of the internet' or at least all that you see of it.


The service, which would have been marketed to end-users as "Webwise", would work by categorising user interests and matching them with advertisers who wish to target that type of user. "As you browse we're able to categorise all of your Internet actions", said Phorm COO Virasb Vahidi. "We actually can see the entire Internet."
They will also be in a position to determine what your see on the internet. At least in advertising terms. It's a powerful position to be in, being able to influence peoples purchasing decisions.

And this will leave you with...


It would seem Senhor Caiorossi

on the Telefonica network, at least 'maybe' managed to avoid the 307 redirect or was alerted of it.


Again you would have to try that one on the TNL-PCS network if you wished it to work. If you did then you would see


This is one of the possible 307 redirects in action He wished to go to Google. His request was intercepted by Phorm, he was redirected to their system to see if he was 'opted-in/opted-out' then it fell over because he was running Firefox. People might term this a 'Browser Hi-Jack' or perhaps a 'Man in the Middle "Attack"'

Otherwise it is likely he avoided the cookie setting thanks to other Firefox Plugins. It still breaks the, 'your', internet. So it would seem that it is not possible to 'avoid' this intrusion into your lives or if you try then things will become broken. It is not you that broke it. Someone else is messing about.

And that might leave..


HTTPS will be Secure Sockets Layer, SSL encryption. Phorm kindly say they do not monitor such traffic.. Perhaps it is because they are unable to? Then why should the rest of the planet switch to it in order to satisfy, or rather avoid Phorm?


I'm sure you will spot the good guys from the bad guys.

That seems like all the options have gone out of the window, probably not a Brasilian colloquialism.. The following might be.

Phorm kindly say they do not monitor such traffic.. Toucans!!!?

Back to Dephormation. If you search then you will find that for some time download of the Dephormation PlugIn from Brasil IP addresses was blocked. If I remember correctly people from Brasil were redirected to a picture of a 'train crash' possibly with a suggestion that they should 'campaign'.

Some, in Brasil, complained, but still tried to influence the situation, and some called it ridiculous. People Campaigned in the UK. That also happened in Korea. When they tried Japan and got found out things fell over rather quickly. Different circumstances and perhaps results but, for the moment, we are Phorm Free and that leaves Brasil and China..


Phorm announced their 'Commercial Deployment' in Brasil on 26th March 2010.



It has now been a year since then and we find,


R$2.707.434,00 28/01/2011
R$1.851.949,00 28/09/2010
R$1.178.349,00 02/06/2010

They have burned

R$5,737,729 [£3,187,627] in support of their Brasilian operations in order to 'earn' less than R$5,000 [£2,778].


While the initial campaigns have been worth only a few thousand Reais, the advertisers are now re-booking and the Company expects revenues to grow substantially over the coming months.
and are now borrowing in order to keep their heads above water. The company is very reliant on a 'supposed success' in Brasil.

Kent Ertugrul, Chairman and CEO of Phorm said: “While the business in Brazil is still at an early stage, the initial results have exceeded our expectations and we are very optimistic about the future. These results will have a significant positive impact on our business development efforts globally, particularly in Asia where we have seen substantial progress over the last few months in response to the progress we have achieved in Brazil."
Senhor Ertugrul is prone to exaggeration.

Weeks before BT, TalkTalk and Virgin Media, representing 70% of the UK broadband market, dumped the company he claimed full 'roll out' by the end of the Year. Then they dumped the company largely, I would suggest totally, as a result of people campaigning against it and making others aware


I might suggest that this is a company that is on its knees waiting for someone to, kindly, kick the crutch away.

In Brasil, in order to partner with Oi and Telefonica Phorm have to go through CADE.


Search Phorm/Nome da Parte.

Conselheiro Fernando Furlan dealt with the Oi/TNL-PCS partnership and has voiced his concerns.

The case is still waiting on Acordao.

Conselheiro Ricardo Ruiz is dealing with the Telefonica partnership and a decision on that one is 'due'.

If you read the cases as presented by Oi/Telefonica/Phorm then you may see the deception behind them. Every effort has been made such that it would appear that their market influence would be minor.

This is not the case when Oi and Telefonica have control of 60% of the broadband market. This is not the case when they can 'spy' on 100% of your communications. They make noises about the lack of activity by Phorm in the country to detract from the earnings of Oi and Telefonica. They hide the Deep Packet Inspection.

It did not work.

Artigo 54 Lei 8.884/94

Perhaps some of you run a company on the internet. You work hard, your site is good, you serve your customers well. Phorm, and their partners, sees them visit your site and, finding out their interests, serves them advertisements from other companies stealing your customers from you.

Perhaps you might complain to CADE or perhaps you might sign up with Phorm?


§ 2o Também poderão ser considerados legítimos os atos previstos neste artigo, desde que atendidas pelo menos três das condições previstas nos incisos do parágrafo anterior, quando necessários por motivo preponderantes da economia nacional e do bem comum, e desde que não
impliquem prejuízo ao consumidor ou usuário final.
Or perhaps Abuse where the consumer is mislead, manipulated, deceived and given nothing in return. Perhaps that is implicit and I lost it in the translation.

DPDC. Março 16 2011


You might notice one Danilo Doneda whose site has been referenced previously..


One of the above sites has his contact details. You might find he was, in part, responsible for...


That is bigger and wider than Phorm but one of the reasons you are now to have Phorm in your country is because you did not have these protections in the first place.


CADE makes its decision sometime after Abril 25th, did I mention that Abril are a Phorm Partner?

Courtesy of Korea..





Apart from Kent's dreams in the above.. Did I mention the internet is quite good? I might mention, just in case, that the above is Phorms publicity material used to entice fools into investing in the company. The South Koreans, jinbo.net, just 'accidentally' got hold of a copy of it and shoved it in their faces, for the second time.

I've just noticed the Brasilian slide.

First time was February 1st 2010... Debate held in the main Korean Parliament meeting room. Here is Brooks Dobbs


He used to have two profiles on that site. One where he did not work for Phorm and had loads of mates and put his picture up, still surviving, and one where he had no mates and no picture but did admit to working for Phorm. I've just re-visited it and noticed the change.

Chief Privacy Officer at Phorm, realising he is being handed his on a plate..


It's quite surprising how Phorm employees feel, or suddenly feel, the need to hide themselves or disassociate themselves from the company. So much talk about privacy and openness and transparency but when 'the buck arrives' it does not stop because they disappear.

OK I am, in some respects, talking rubbish now. I've spent too long composing this whilst drinking and losing the plot.

Deadline is 25th Abril.

find the e-mail addresses for those at CADE and DPDC and express your experiences and concerns... In a 'nice' way. I'm rubbish but CADE still listened to me.

Muito Obrigado
There are better than me.
You are them.

Keith Alexander Mallen

Big message, will it fit, hit the button...
quemsou_naod... Cyber Highlander Registrado
28.8K Mensagens 1.8K Curtidas
#23 Por quemsou_naod...
31/03/2011 - 06:43
Pessoal, leiam com cuidado o post do colega acima.
Apesar de grande, vale a pena. Ele explica como tudo funciona, que o sistema da Phorm é instalado na rede do provedor de acesso, e pode monitorar tudo o que você faz.
Leiam: Guia de Utilização (Novo Fórum) e Regras de Conduta.
LinuxUser #468957
Lord Enigm@
Lord Enigm@ Zerinho Registrado
5K Mensagens 642 Curtidas
#25 Por Lord Enigm@
31/03/2011 - 14:25
MorbidFractal disse:

Muito Obrigado
There are better than me.
You are them.

Keith Alexander Mallen

Hello Alexander Mallen,

Thank you for participating in the thread. The community greatly appreciates your cooperation on this issue. Feel free to post more news and letting us know about it when you want.

Greetings friend Lord Enigm@.

"Se eu ví mais longe, é por estar de pé sobre ombros de gigantes"



freeosbr Geek Registrado
1.9K Mensagens 216 Curtidas
#27 Por freeosbr
01/04/2011 - 11:42
Resposta recebida do site Observatório da Imprensa após contato efetuado hoje pela manhã. Mas para fazê-lo preciso de mais informações sobre, talvez Lord Enigm@ se quiser escrever ou faremos a quatro mãos bro e envio em meu nome ou no seu se for o caso, qualquer coisa manda uma MP Lord.
Caso não haja interesse forneçam o máximo de informações possível sobre o fato inclusive técnicas para que eu faça um apanhado e envie para eles publicarem.
Grande abraço

Prezado Gilberto, aceita escrever um artigo sobre o assunto? Se puder fazê-lo, por favor envie o texto para [EMAIL="canaldoleitor@ig.com.br"]canaldoleitor@ig.com.br[/EMAIL] Será bem-vindo. Cordialmente, luiz egypto, editor.

Caro Dines é com extrema preocupação que venho enviar esta mensagem, pois o que trataremos a seguir inicialmente pode não parecer nada mas é a pior forma de cerceamento dos princípios básicos da privacidade. Não sei até onde está sendo pesquisado ou investigado os atos dos provedores de internet do nosso país. Em suma trata-se de uma parceria feita entre nossos provedores com uma empresa da Inglaterra que visa rastrear a navegação de todos os usuários de internet inscritos em seu banco de dados. Qual o uso de tal rastreamento e suas consequências ainda não sabemos, mas boa coisa não pode ser. Pois esses dados de gosto de cada usuário pode ser usado para fins comerciais e outros mais escabrosos. Veja no link abaixo de um forum de informática meu nick name é Freeosbr. https://www.hardware.com.br/comunidade/software-phorm/1056667/ É extremamente preocupante isso. Grande abraço.
Antes de perguntar leia
O Guia do e-mala

Co Yvy Oguereco Yara
MorbidFracta... Membro Senior Registrado
136 Mensagens 23 Curtidas
#28 Por MorbidFracta...
02/04/2011 - 08:16
Bom dia Todos, you may see my Portuguese does not improve, thank you for the welcome. I see Freeosbr has contacted a journalist who is willing to publish an article. Whilst there has been publicity I do not know how many people will have been made aware of this as a result of it and the story, publicly speaking, has become quiet although it is occasionally mentioned on blog posts and in forums such as this.

First some 'news'

CADE has suspended processing of or rather judgement on applications to form partnerships,


Recently the president of CADE retired and one of the other Conselheiros reached the end of his term whilst Conselheiro Carvalho has moved from CADE to SDE. The Plenary comprises seven, I have called them The Magnificent Seven, but for the moment there are only four and it is not enough to form a quorum. As such they can no longer pass judgement on cases.

There.... I should pay attention,


O Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) está com o quorum mínimo restabelecido, com a posse do conselheiro Alessandro Octaviani.
The Quorum has been re-established.

Whilst you may be aware that CADE are supposed to have approved the partnership between TNL-PCS/Oi and Phorm,


Em julgamento realizado nesta quarta-feira, 06/10, o Cade (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica) aprovou, sem restrições, o acordo entre a Oi e a britânica Phorm, empresa que colhe dados dos usuários da internet para aprimorar por indícios de invasão de privacidade no Ministério da Justiça.
This is not strictly true. Of course I may be misinterpreting the process however this is based on the analysis by Conselheiro Furlan,


154 is for the session held 22/09/2010
155 is for the session held 06/10/2010



That judgement is still subject to scrutiny by and opinion from other departments. In particular DPDC. Conselheiro Ruiz has requested that DPDC respond to him before 25th April, I believe I mentioned this earlier,


Whilst this relates to the Phorm/Telefonica partnership the two are tied together. DPDC has been involved in the Phorm/Oi debate and from Conselheiro Furlans analysis,


Aproveito a ocasiao para instruir os orgaos de instrucao do SBDC a, em uma eventual hipotese de celebracao de acordo entre a Phorm e a Telefonica, analisar tal caso como uma uniao entre os grupos Oi e Telefonica no mercado de banda larga, Apenas sob tal perspectiva seria possivel averiguar o impacto decorrente de uma concentracao resultante de 60% no setor de onde serao extraidas as informacoes vitais para o sucesso das empresas no mercado de publicidade na Internet.
It is recognised that the partnership between Phorm and Telefonica currently under consideration by CADE will have an overall effect on the aspect of competition in the industry. Referring back to,


TNL-PCS is at #8. You will see from the columns that almost all cases from that session have an entry for Acórdão [Judgement]. I believe this represents the 'final' decision by the full Council and until that is given on any particular case it is not possible to state that full and proper approval has been given.

I believe that whilst this situation of uncertainty remains neither TNL-PCS/Oi or Telefonica will be prepared to fully commit to Phorms systems and this may be the reason why we are not seeing many people noticing things happening on their internet connections. The silence is deafening.


From November 24th 2010


Two large ISPs in Brazil—Oi, a unit of Tele Norte Leste Participacoes SA, and Telefonica SA—currently have deals with Phorm. Oi, Brazil's largest broadband provider with about 4.5 million customers, has launched the product initially with about 10,000 people in Rio De Janeiro.

"We want to grow that," says Pedro Ripper, Oi's strategy and technology director.

A spokesman for Telefonica says it is testing the service on about 1,000 broadband customers and will evaluate the results before deciding whether to roll it out. "The user has the choice to enable or disable the service anytime he or she wants to," the company said in a statement.
Of course you have to believe what these people might say but Oi suggests in the above article that the 'acceptance' rate is just above 50% so maybe at that time they had 5,000 users. Otherwise I would note that they are hardly likely to suggest it has been a dismal failure and of course as the system is presented to customers they will be unaware as to what is actually being offered and its implications.

Again we may be aware and understand. The general public will not. They will just see something that is 'free' and may look like an interesting tool, although I would suggest it is worthless, that they might try or otherwise mistakenly end up signing up for. They should be made aware.

Some History

Whilst Phorm makes claims as to how well things are progressing it is never possible to believe all that they say or indeed know what true numbers might be. It is typical of Phorm that as a result of operating in countries outside of the UK that they try to hide details of their activities from the markets here and otherwise control available news.

We had an idea towards the end of 2009 that something may be happening in Brasil as a result of seeing some job advertisements on the Monster job website. Subsequently, during October/November, I was in contact with someone at UOL who initially denied knowledge of the company but finally admitted that there had been discussions between higher level management.

Finally there was the announcement by Phorm of 'Commercial Deployment in Brasil' on 26th March 2010,


It really was anything but that although they claimed,

Phorm (AIM: PHRM and PHRX), the internet personalisation technology company, today announces the commercial launch of its Open Internet Exchange (“OIX”) platform and deployment of Web Discover in Brazil. The Company also announces that it has secured R$10 million (US$ 5.6 million) of pre-booked revenues from advertisers.

Phorm has been working with Brazil’s leading Internet Service Providers (“ISPs”), publishers and advertisers for some time, and today is pleased to announce the first phase of a country-wide roll-out in conjunction with Estadão, iG, Oi, Terra and UOL. The Company expects to announce further ISP and content partners in due course.
We see they claim 'pre-booked revenues' and 'country-wide roll-out' and then announce many partners with more to come. It seems that the pre-booked revenues were never realised, the country wide roll-out is stalled and the partners...?

'Commercial Deployment' really referred to the fact that a partnership agreement had been made between Phorm and TNL-PCS/Oi. Referring to the Case Page on the CADE website,


I would give a direct link but the site uses 'sessions' for this particular section and download of other documents. You will see that the agreement was 'formalised' on 24/03/2010, notified to CADE on 25/03/2010 and announced by Phorm on 26/03/2010. There is also the announcement, mentioned previously in this thread, on the iG web portal,


A Oi, maior companhia de telecomunicações do país, e os principais portais brasileiros se uniram para lançar uma ferramenta capaz de ajudar o internauta a ter o que se pode chamar de navegação personalizada. Trata-se do Navegador, que será oferecido gratuitamente num primeiro momento a um grupo reduzido de internautas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, alcançará todo o Estado em dois meses e até o final de 2010 deverá estar acessível aos internautas em todo o Brasil, também de graça. O lançamento ocorreu nesta quinta-feira, 25. Além da Oi, participam do projeto o seu portal iG, o Estadão, UOL e Terra.
They claim the same 'partners', iG, o Estadão, UOL e Terra. You may know that iG is in fact the Web Portal for Oi in the same way that Terra is the Web Portal for Telefonica. iG, as the portal for Oi was the only one to make such an announcement. Nothing was mentioned by the others.

The announcement of those partners caused problems elsewhere perhaps as noted by Senhor Doneda on his site,


otherwise you can see the original application to CADE to form a partnership between TNL-PCS/Oi and Phorm is here,


It is a LARGE file, 10MB. On Page 17) we find,


That Oi claim that their competitors, Concorrentes, in this market include UOL and Terra.... but, mais...

A Oi, maior companhia de telecomunicações do país, e os principais portais brasileiros se uniram para lançar uma ferramenta capaz de ajudar o internauta a ter o que se pode chamar de navegação personalizada. Trata-se do Navegador, que será oferecido gratuitamente num primeiro momento a um grupo reduzido de internautas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, alcançará todo o Estado em dois meses e até o final de 2010 deverá estar acessível aos internautas em todo o Brasil, também de graça. O lançamento ocorreu nesta quinta-feira, 25. Além da Oi, participam do projeto o seu portal iG, o Estadão, UOL e Terra.
Suddenly the competitors have become partners. daa.png

Later it is reported,


No início dos testes, Oi e Phorm anunciaram uma parceria com os portais Terra, UOL e Estadão. Procurada por ÉPOCA, a assessoria do Grupo Estado afirmou que “a parceria nunca existiu e o nome da empresa foi usado à revelia”. A Oi confirmou a parceria com UOL e Terra.
That really it was just the beginning of testing as opposed to 'Commercial Deployment' and Estadão, Grupo Estado deny the existence of any partnership. daa.png

As I say Phorm like to hide such details from the local, UK, markets from which they get investment. After all they would not wish their investors to know things were not progressing too well or what some of the underlying problems might be. They have made those claims and then never updated them to reveal the 'true' situation.

I apologise for disrupting the time-line. Recently we find..,

Revista n° 150 - Dezembro de 2010


Já a Telefônica, embora não tenha dado detalhes sobre a comunicação feita com o consumidor para que ele opte ou não pelo serviço, explicou que o Navegador não reconhece o cliente ou seu endereço IP (que identifica a máquina da qual o usuário acessa), nem armazena dados. A UOL informou que encerrou o contrato com a Phorm em julho. Até então, testou o software apenas dentro da empresa.
UOL terminated the contract in July 2010 and had only done some testing of the software. daa.png Of course Phorm have not informed the UK markets about this. Otherwise it is typical of events. Phorm claim partners and big things and then the partners start pulling out and making their excuses.

The same, or similar claims, were made by the UK ISP's. Virgin said they had only done internal testing. TalkTalk said they were only going to do it if everyone else did. This was back in June 2009 just after BT dumped Phorm. I should say there is more information here,


You may notice, "A UOL informou que encerrou o contrato com a Phorm em julho". This is just after the debate instigated by Senador Suplicy on 29th June 2010.


A transcript of the debate is available from here,


beginning on Page 52)

Being cynical I might note that Senhor Caio Tulio Costa, CEO of Phorm in Brasil, issues a 'challenge' from Senhor Kent Ertugrul, CEO of Phorm, to the other representatives of the industry to work together and match Phorms claims..

Gostaria também, para finalizar, transmitir aos presentes e às
empresas que estão na rede, que estão no mercado de internet, um
convite a um compromisso da Phorm, que me foi passado agora cedo pelo
presidente da Phorm, o Mr. Kent Ertugrul, segundo o qual a Phorm
convida a todos a assinar um compromisso para proteger a privacidade na
rede. Ela está disposta, junto com seus parceiros, vários dos quais estão
aqui, convidar também os outros, as outras empresas de internet que
atuam no Brasil, como Google, como Yahoo, como Microsoft, como todos
os outros grandes e pequenos a se comprometerem a assinar uma espécie
de compromisso público que protege a privacidade na rede.
Evidentemente, cada um dentro do seu limite de trabalho, de proteção. O
portal protege de um jeito, ISP protege de outro, a empresa de
telecomunicação protege de outra, a Phorm protege com o seu sistema.
Enfim, um compromisso de proteção e de transparência na maneira como
isso é feito. Ela acredita que, com os erros cometidos no passado,
principalmente na Inglaterra, ela tem total condição de prestar um serviço
à altura das necessidades do século XXI, à altura das necessidades da
inovação tecnológica, em respeito total e profundo à privacidade do
consumidor. É isso.
Phorm, Kent Ertugrul, and their partners challenge the others. Then next month, under pressure or presumably as a result of the mounting concern?, one of Phorms partners, UOL, dumps them. As I suggest I would be cynical about such an offer especially when it will or might be made or agreed amongst the 'industry' themselves who are likely to be untrustworthy. Otherwise it is just made as a 'political' move. The term may not be right but I hope you understand the suggestion... Toucan[s]?

I must say that if Phorm does get established then irrespective of their claims the 'others' will not go away. You may be aware that in as much as Phorm wishes to track your behaviour on the internet and advertise to you via one method the situation is endemic via other methods. Scripts, bugs, crumbs, Analytics. As an example from the Firefox Ghostery Plug In,


Beef Taco


and there are other tools to attempt to avoid this. One of the things Phorm will do is claim that they they are more 'open and transparent' than the others, who as I suggest, will not disappear with Phorm in place. I would also mention that the article from EPOCA,


Might be 'attacked' by Phorm as an 'alarmist' misrepresentation of what they, if you believe them, will actually be doing. I do not doubt that their system would be capable of implementing what is suggested by that article but Phorm will suggest that they do not, or attempt not to, gather such information. Even Dr Richard Clayton will admit that, in terms of advertising and privacy, privacidade [this is a word I can now pronounce], that Phorm have worked hard to ensure that their system, assuming it is implemented and operated as they claim, does offer 'acceptable' levels of privacy although he mentions other issues underlying such claims.

This is not a simple subject because it is not solely restricted to concerns, important as they are, about privacy. Phorm would wish to concentrate on that aspect of things in order to detract from other issues. However there are concerns elsewhere.


Phorms systems will give them access to 100% of your 'habits and interests. Websites only see what you do on any particular site although I would mention that 'affiliate partners' may aggregate more data across such sites. By partnering with the ISP they instantly gain access to a large base of users. TNL-PCS/Oi and Telefonica represent 60% of the broadband market in Brasil.

Network Neutrality,

This is installed in the network. Sir Tim Berners Lee does not like it. The premise is that the network is just a [not so] dump pipe operating on the basis of set and agreed protocols. When Phorm gets in the way there is a likelihood that things will be broken. 'Innovation' occurs at the endpoints not within.



If you, Brasil, accept Phorm into the network then I would suggest that others, Nebuad, FrontPorch, Kindsight and many more will argue that they should be given the same opportunity. Before too long when you try to go anywhere these companies will be giving you 'clear and continuing notice' in an effort to get you to sign up to their services.

You wanted to visit https://www.hardware.com.br but before you arrive you have to tell everyone else to get out of the way. You did not pay for this when you signed up for an internet connection. I will express this in the wrong way. This is beyond an invasion of privacy it is an intrusion on your lives. Phorm and others will argue 'high standards' regarding privacy but beyond that I might question their 'sales' methods.

I believe Brasil does have regulations regarding 'direct' or 'telephone' sales. There has been a case with CADE where Telemar were prosecuted as a result of intercepting customer calls made to their competitors and then acting to influence such choices. Their is a link somewhere for that, it will I believe, be mentioned somewhere on Senhor Doneda's site.

Otherwise this is not someone bothering you by knocking on your door trying to sell you double glazing or cold calling you to do the same it is in fact just the same but this time they are staring at you from your computer.


You will see from the last picture that on one end of the connection there is a 'Content Author' at the other end there is the 'End User'. One provides Content the other Uses it. There is an important relationship here and the continuing existence of it relies on the 'Content Author' being able to support the costs involved in generating that content.

It is no good if someone, Phorm, sits in the middle and leeches off that content, or others 'free' RSS feeds. As I suggested in my last message if you run a business on the internet and invest time and money developing it to attract customers and you do the same to support and maintain those customers you do not wish to have someone else sitting, hidden because this is what Phorm does, in the middle 'spying' on things in order to steal those customers from you.

It is 'Industrial Espionage'.

Interception of communications.

You may have such protection in place.. if it were to be exercised. I am unable to give a direct link but,


Below the picture to the left there is a link that seems to say 'TAQUIGRAFIA' which gives the text of Senador Suplicy's speech to the Senate. I'll 'quote it' in full here.

O SR. EDUARDO SUPLICY (Bloco/PT – SP. Pronuncia o seguinte discurso. Sem revisão do orador.) – Exmº Sr. Presidente, Senador Mão Santa, suponha V. Exª que quem estava na linha era uma pessoa que, justamente, estava dando força, energia positiva para que eu, aqui, fizesse um bom pronunciamento. V. Exª não acha que seria uma boa coisa? Eu em nada atrapalhei o andamento dos trabalhos – só para observar –, mas que eu recebi uma energia positiva a caminho da tribuna de honra do Senado, eu posso lhe assegurar.
Sr. Presidente, o tema sobre o qual vou falar hoje é a invasão da privacidade na Internet. A revista Época desta semana publicou uma reportagem de Bruno Ferrari e Camila Guimarães com uma informação que não pode passar despercebida pela sociedade brasileira, pois chegou ao Brasil um programa de computador que é capaz de rastrear e registrar todos os movimentos realizados pelo usuário na Internet.
Segundo afirma Época, a operadora Oi já adotou o programa para os seus clientes de banda larga, tendo confirmado a parceria com os sites UOL e Terra. O programa, conforme dados da reportagem, registra tudo o que o usuário faz na Internet. Acionado, ele sabe que você entrou no Orkut, digitou o nome de uma ex-namorada no campo de busca, depois visitou o perfil dos amigos dela. Também viu que entrou num site de vendas e procurou uma nova torradeira. Anotou as opções que você comparou. Acompanhou a sua visita ao site do banco para consultar o saldo. Seguiu o seus passos no site de e-mail enquanto você abria cada mensagem. Viu que você entrou no Facebook. E quando você clicou num vídeo divertido que alguém recomendou. Esse programa anota quanto tempo você gastou em cada uma dessas atividades. E transmite toda essa informação a uma empresa que analisa seu comportamento e o classifica de acordo com algum rótulo.
Ora, Sr. Presidente, a sequência de acompanhamento da navegação de um usuário, apresentada pela revista Época, descreve o serviço oferecido pela empresa inglesa Phorm:
Ela está chegando ao Brasil. Seu principal cliente aqui é o provedor da internet Velox, serviço oferecido no Rio de Janeiro pela operadora de telecomunicações Oi. A Oiestá testando aqui uma versão do programa da Phorm chamada Navegador. É uma tecnologia que está longe de ser aceita no mundo. Desde 2002, quando foi criada pela Phorm, ela tem gerado controvérsia internacional e levantado preocupações em grupos ligados à defesa dos direitos civis na Internet. Essas resistências dificultaram sua adoção nos Estados Unidos e na Europa. Há o temor de que as informações pessoais sejam usadas de forma indevida. [...] A intenção da Oi é expandir aos usuários de todo o Estado até o final de 2010. O Navegador é um rastreador remoto (não fica instalado na máquina do usuário) dos passos que um internauta dá na rede. No início dos testes, Oie Phorm anunciaram uma parceria com os portais Terra, UOL e Estadão. Procurada por Época, a assessoria do Grupo Estado afirmou que “a parceria nunca existiu e o nome da empresa foi usado à revelia”. A Oi [por outro lado] confirmou a parceria com UOL e Terra.
Avalio que essa informação prestada pela Época é grave, pois a nossa Constituição é clara ao dizer, dentro do título Dos Direitos e das Garantias Fundamentais, conforme se lê no inciso X do art. 5º da nossa Constituição, que:
X – são invioláveis a intimidade, a vida privada, a honra e a imagem das pessoas, assegurado o direito a indenização pelo dano material ou moral decorrente de sua violação.
Vou ler, também, o inciso XII:
XII – é inviolável o sigilo da correspondência e das comunicações telegráficas, de dados e das comunicações telefônicas, salvo, no último caso, por ordem judicial, nas hipóteses e na forma que a lei estabelecer para fins de investigação criminal ou instrução processual penal.
Ora, para mim está claro que as comunicações realizadas através da Internet, por toda a sua semelhança e forma, estariam qualificadas também como a questão relativa ao sigilo da correspondência e das comunicações telegráficas, de dados e das comunicações telefônicas, porque, quando pela Internet os Srs. Senadores, as Srªs Senadoras e os que aqui estão presentes nos assistindo encaminham mensagens, essas são cartas que são encaminhadas pela Internet. Então, da mesma maneira, deve ser assegurado o sigilo.
Segundo a revista Época:
O programa da Phorm também permite que o provedor de acesso mostre, a cada usuário, anúncios específicos, de acordo com seus interesses pessoais. Sites que tenham acordo com o provedor poderiam vender anúncios prometendo veiculá-los a internautas cujo perfil fosse mais interessante ao anunciante. Tal sistema é apresentado como um modo de aumentar a receita de provedores e sites de conteúdo. Só que, além de invasivo, ele pode representar uma concentração de poder nas mãos de uma empresa cuja missão deveria ser prover acesso de forma indistinta – sem discriminar o conteúdo ou publicidade que trafega em sua rede.
Com relação às atividades comerciais:
Tamanho poder nas mãos da Phorm e da Oi pode representar uma ameaça à concorrência no mercado de publicidade on-line. A Oi argumenta que, como o iG detém em torno de 5% desse mercado, essa ameaça inexiste. O Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Cade) deverá julgar nas próximas semanas a parceria entre Oi e Phorm. Até agora, a Secretaria de Direito Econômico (SDE) e a Secretaria de Acompanhamento Econômico (SEAE) deram parecer favorável à Oi. O caso estava na pauta do dia 5 de maio, mas o Cade decidiu pedir mais informações à Oi. Um novo julgamento ainda não foi marcado.
Ainda ontem, em O Globo, foi registrado que a “parceria entre Oi e Phorm está na mira do Cade e do Ministério da Justiça”, pois a empresa ofereceria ferramenta para identificar a preferência de usuários.
Diz a matéria de Patrícia Duarte e de Bruno Rosa:
A parceria da operadora Oi com a empresa Phorm, que tem sede em Londres, para utilização de uma ferramenta de identificação de preferência dos usuários na Internet para fins publicitários está levantando dúvidas nos órgãos federais que avaliam ou monitoram o assunto. O tema está sob análise tanto do Conselho Administrativo de Desenvolvimento Econômico (Cadê) quanto do Ministério da Justiça, que está finalizando o texto do Marco Civil da Internet.
Destaco a análise que a Época faz do tema, ao afirmar que:
A Phorm não é a única empresa que rastreia hábitos do internauta para alocar publicidade. Grandes sites, como o Google, tentam adivinhar o gosto do usuário a partir do que ele busca ou digita. O Facebook também enfrenta questionamentos sobre sua política de privacidade. Vários internautas têm abandonado o Facebook por causa disso. Mas o rastreamento da Phorm dá um passo além por dois motivos. Primeiro, os outros sites avaliam o seu perfil, mas sua vida digital não fica toda guardada neles. Quando a Phorm espiona, ela rastreia tudo o que você faz. Segundo motivo, as empresas de busca e redes sociais precisam do retorno publicitário para manter seus serviços gratuitos. Os provedores que usam o programa da Phorm já são pagos por você – e pelo acesso, não por conteúdo.
Dada a relevância desse tema, eu vou apresentar, Sr. Presidente, requerimento, na Comissão de Constituição, Justiça e Cidadania, para que sejam ouvidos os representantes da operadora Oi e dos sites UOL e Terra, a fim de que esse assunto seja inteiramente esclarecido. Ao mesmo tempo, passarei a preparar uma proposta de emenda à Constituição que torne mais claro aquilo que está no propósito do art. 5º da Constituição, Dos Direitos e Deveres Individuais e Coletivos, quando diz que:
Art. 5º Todos são iguais perante a lei, sem distinção de qualquer natureza, garantindo-se aos brasileiros e aos estrangeiros residentes no País a inviolabilidade do direito à vida, à liberdade, à igualdade, à segurança e à propriedade, nos termos seguintes:
E, em especial, quando, no inciso X, se diz:
X – são invioláveis a intimidade, a vida privada, a honra e a imagem das pessoas, assegurado o direito a indenização pelo dano material ou moral decorrente de sua violação.
Combinado com o inciso XII, que diz:
XII – é inviolável o sigilo da correspondência e das comunicações telegráficas, de dados e das comunicações telefônicas, salvo, no último caso, por ordem judicial, nas hipóteses e na forma que a lei estabelecer para fins de investigação criminal ou instrução processual penal.
Que aqui venhamos acrescer, Senador Jarbas Vasconcelos, e também colocar como objeto de inviolabilidade o conteúdo das mensagens que, da mesma forma das correspondências, encaminhamos pela Internet.
Assim, Sr. Presidente, essas são as iniciativas que irei tomar. Que possam os responsáveis por essas empresas serem ouvidos na Comissão de Constituição, Justiça e Cidadania e que possamos melhor aperfeiçoar o texto da Constituição, elaborado ao tempo em que não havia ainda a comunicação pela Internet com a importância que hoje realizamos.
V. Exª recebe, diariamente, como eu, centenas – se não, às vezes, mais de mil – comunicações por e-mail, e também as responde. É próprio que V. Exª tenha o direito ao sigilo, conforme está no espírito da nossa Constituição, sobre a comunicação que faz com as pessoas de seu relacionamento pessoal.
Muito obrigado, Sr. Presidente.
I might be concerned that Senador Supplicy appears to be thinking in terms of e-mails but of course that might be a mistake due to translation.

Article 5.


XII - e inviolável o sigilo da correspondência e das comunicações telegráficas, de dados e das comunicações telefônicas, salvo, no último caso, por ordem judicial, nas hipóteses e na forma que a lei estabelecer para fins de investigação criminal ou instrução processual penal; (Vide Lei nº 9.296, de 1996)
I have to say better minds than mine will have to work this out but it is my feeling that Phorm have relied on the possibility that as stated XII is only applicable to Telephone and Telegraph communications.


Is the system legal?
Upon entering any given market, we will always do so in conformity with applicable law.
Our experience has been that Phorm will interprete the 'law' to their advantage and go so far as to manipulate or collude with others interpretation of it in order to achieve their goals.


They also seek to mislead by making claims about others statements as to the validity of their systems. I can probably link to examples of those as well, I should but for the moment I am not the most organised person on planet Earth.

Remebering something and going back to the debate..


and elsewhere. There is a suggestion that "Phorm have learned from their 'mistakes'". That is a joke. All that seems to have happened is that they have been found out, forced to move elsewhere, and now they are playing the same game before a different audience in the hope that they will not get found out again..

XII - e inviolável o sigilo da correspondência e das comunicações telegráficas, de dados e das comunicações telefônicas, salvo, no último caso, por ordem judicial, nas hipóteses e na forma que a lei estabelecer para fins de investigação criminal ou instrução processual penal; (Vide Lei nº 9.296, de 1996)
"Vide Lei nº 9.296, de 1996"


There is someone who understands the implication of this better than I would but whilst, to me, XII only references Telephone and Telegraph systems Lei nº 9.296, de 1996 specifically includes 'the internet'. There will be more to it but being simple my first 'find' was,

Art. 1º A interceptação de comunicações telefônicas, de qualquer natureza, para prova em investigação criminal e em instrução processual penal, observará o disposto nesta Lei e dependerá de ordem do juiz competente da ação principal, sob segredo de justiça.

Parágrafo único. O disposto nesta Lei aplica-se à interceptação do fluxo de comunicações em sistemas de informática e telemática.

I am sorry. I appear not to have been organised and drifted. My excuse, again, would be that the subject and its surroundings are complex but others will be and are more capable of putting things into context. I suppose we, not me but you, rely on each other.

I lost track but somewhere above I might have intended to mention,

From 31/03/2010


'Commercial Deployment in Brasil'

RIO - Está em fase de testes um projeto da Oi que vai mapear os acessos à internet dos clientes do seu serviço Velox. Com essas informações, a Oi levaria ao consumidor um conteúdo personalizado, mas garantiria à companhia ganhos sobre uma publicidade mais segmentada que viria em consequência. Batizado de Navegador, o programa polemiza sobre uma das questões mais críticas da internet: a privacidade. Hoje, cem funcionários da Oi testam o projeto - que conta com a parceria de portais como Estadão, iG, Terra e UOL.
Do Toucans 'Flock'?

There may be more I might add but... Please consider visiting,


There are people there who are more experienced, knowledgeable and rational about this subject than myself. I am just a concerned 'consumer'. As I say, Phorm 'hides'. The more we know as to what they are doing, and failing, elsewhere the more we might be able to 'hurt' them here.

Yes, it is 'personal'. I really do not like people attempting to impose something upon me of advantage to themselves and trying to claim it would be of use to me when it obviously is not.

I would mention that the Forum has, or did have, a member calling themselves ARBRU.

http://www.linkedin.com/pub/alvaro-rodrigues/0/348/b9a tchau.gif

Not that Phorm or their associates have been known to make efforts to 'influence' opinion on such forums and elsewhere without being 'open and transparent' about such things.

In some respects I might be 'guilty', but [hopefully] not too much, myself.

Again... apologies for the long, incoherent, message. I am sure I will have missed things, perhaps later.

Keith Alexander Mallen.

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