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Tiago Cruz
Tiago Cruz Zumbi Registrado
10.3K Mensagens 1 Curtida

"Conexão de Ponte" no TUX

#1 Por Tiago Cruz 04/01/2005 - 22:18

Um certo dia eu estava com 03 placas de redes no meu micro:

2- Micro 1
3- Micro 2

No WXP, cliquei num treco chamado "Conexão de ponte" que fez "automagicamente" o micro 1 pingar o micro 2 (passando somente pelo meu micro, sem hub) e aí pude compartilhar a net de jogar MU on-line feliz e contente! Tipow uma ponte entre a eth1 e a eth2 que estavam separadas...

E se fosse no linux, como eu faria isso?

lgr Veterano Registrado
1.5K Mensagens 16 Curtidas
#4 Por lgr
05/01/2005 - 18:03
Bem, não sei se é somente comigo mas o link do kalicrates está quebrado. :?

De qualquer forma, Tiago, pesquise sobre o comando brctl, incluso no Mandrake no pacote bridge-utils. :wink:
Usei ele para o Openvpn num servidor com conexão velox 8)
Linux User #264184 - Kubuntu 14.04 - https://m.do.co/c/022f467975ac

O que a história ensina é que os governos e as pessoas nunca aprendem com a história. Friederich Hegel
El universo creado no es sino un paréntesis en la eternidad. Thomas Browne
jose_silva_n... General de Pijama Registrado
4.6K Mensagens 98 Curtidas
#5 Por jose_silva_n...
05/01/2005 - 19:30
Bem, não sei se é somente comigo mas o link do kalicrates está quebrado. :?

De qualquer forma, Tiago, pesquise so...

Bridging mini-Howto
Christopher Cole, cole@coledd.com
v1.21, March 7, 2001

This document describes how to setup an ethernet bridge. What is an ethernet bridge? An ethernet bridge is a device that controls data packets within a subnet in an attempt to cut down the amount of traffic. A bridge is usually placed between two separate groups of computers that talk within themselves, but not so much with the computers in the other group. A good example of this is to consider a cluster of Macintoshes and a cluster of unix machines. Both of these groups of machines tend to be quite chatty amongst themselves, and the traffic they produce on the network causes collisions for the other machines who are trying to speak to one another. A bridge would be placed between these groups of computers. The job of the bridge is then to examine the destination of the data packets one at a time and decide whether or not to pass the packets to the other side of the ethernet segment. The result is a faster, quieter network with less collisions.

1. Setup

2. Common problems
Tiago Cruz
Tiago Cruz Zumbi Registrado
10.3K Mensagens 1 Curtida
#7 Por Tiago Cruz
05/01/2005 - 20:09
A parte mais legal segue abaixo, de backup :mrgreen:


1. Setup

1. Get ``Bridge Config'':


BRCFG may also be found at:


2. Enable multiple ethernet devices on your machine by adding this to your /etc/lilo.conf, and re-run lilo:

append = "ether=0,0,eth1"

If you have three interfaces on your bridge, use this line instead:

append = "ether=0,0,eth1 ether=0,0,eth2"

More interfaces can be found by adding more ether statements. By default a stock Linux kernel probes for a single ethercard, and once one is found the probe ceases. The above append statement tells the kernel to keep probing for more ethernet devices after the first one is found. Alternatively, the boot parameter can be used instead:

linux ether=0,0,eth1

Or, with 3 interfaces, use:

linux ether=0,0,eth1 ether=0,0,eth2

3. Recompile the kernel with BRIDGING enabled.
4. A bridge should not have an IP address. It CAN, but a plain bridge doesn't need one. To remove the IP address from your bridge, go to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ (for a RedHat system) and copy ifcfg-lo0 to ifcfg-eth0 & ifcfg-eth1. In these 2 eth files, change the line containing ``DEVICE=lo'' to ``DEVICE=eth0'' and ``DEVICE=eth1''. Other distributions may deviate from this, do what you need to do! If there are more than 2 interfaces to this bridge, be sure to make the corresponding configurations to those, as well.
5. Reboot, so you are running the new kernel with bridging in it, and also to make sure that an IP addresses are not bound to the network interfaces.
6. Once the system is back up, put the ethernet cards into promiscuous mode, so they will look at every packet that passes by its interface:

ifconfig eth0 promisc ; ifconfig eth1 promisc

All interfaces which are connected to network segments to be bridged are to be put into promiscuous mode.
7. Turn bridging ON using the brcfg program:

brcfg -ena

8. Verify that there is different traffic on each interface:

tcpdump -i eth0 (in one window)
tcpdump -i eth1 (in another window)

9. Run a sniffer or tcpdump on another machine to verify the bridge is separating the segment correctly.
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