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Alexandre Grecco
Alexandre Gr... Cyber Highlander Registrado
26.9K Mensagens 3.7K Curtidas
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3.3K Mensagens 64 Curtidas
#5 Por carq
05/10/2014 - 18:35
achei a solução

had the same problem. Following these instructions got my headphones working. Open the terminal and enter the following commands:
cd /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/ sudo cp analog-output-headphones.conf analog-output-headphones.bak sudo nano analog-output-headphones.conf Look for the section called [Element Speaker] and change it so that it looks like this:
[Element Speaker] switch = on volume = ignore Save the changes and exit nano.
Create a backup of the corrected analog-output-headphones.conf:
sudo cp analog-output-headphones.conf analog-output-headphones.fixed Now you can restore the fix if a future installation or update overwrites it.
After rebooting, you may need to remove and reinsert the headphone plug to get it to work. After it's working, though, you will be able to remove and insert the plug, and behavior will be as expected.

sinto mais o linux ainda está muito cru desisto um fone não funciona por padrão

configurei de todas as formas mais não funcionou

driver Audio device: NVIDIA Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev a2)

sinto mais deixo o mundo linux
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