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jcmschmutz Membro Senior Registrado
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Dicas de jogos for Linux (editado)

#1 Por jcmschmutz 12/11/2003 - 20:19
Existe paciencia ( aquele jogo de baralho que tem no windows ( com perdao da ma palabra ) pra linux ? ! ! !


João Schmutz

Editado por Tiago Cruz para o assunto principal do topico
Xterminator-... Tô em todas Registrado
2.5K Mensagens 2 Curtidas
#32 Por Xterminator-...
14/11/2003 - 16:42
Qem quiser ir mais fundo.
Publisher's Description of the Book

The complete and authoritative guide to developing games for Linux, from the gaming masters at Loki Software. You'll find detailed coverage of Linux graphics and audio interfaces and a basic course in game development. Discusses important multimedia toolkits (including a very thorough discussion of the Simple DirectMedia Layer) and teaches the basics of Linux game programming. Readers learn about the state of the Linux gaming world, and how to write and distribute Linux games to the Linux gaming community.

The Review

Linux is gaining popularity on the desktop. More and more people are using Linux as their operating system of choice to complete their day to day computing tasks, but most of us also like to have fun on our Linux computers playing games. As more people are making the move to Linux, so are game developers. Some game developers are starting to release both Windows and Linux versions of their computer games. The market for Linux computer games is beginning right now, and you have the chance to get involved in programming Linux games at the perfect time. Become a Linux game developer today with help from this book and help us Linux users to have fun playing games on our computers.

The author of this book spent time with Loki Software, Inc. who helped him to learn and better understand programming games for Linux. Loki Software was a company that signed contracts with successful computer entertainment software companies to port their best selling Windows game titles to Linux. Unfortunately this company has gone out of business and no longer exists. This is very sad because they did an awesome job of porting games to Linux. The fact that this company has gone out of business has no impact on the usefulness of this book. Loki Software had amazing programmers that worked for them, and as you read this book, you can easily see that the author learned a lot from them while writing this book.

This is a very good book for someone who wants to get a good beginning introduction to programming Linux games. The book starts off with discussing the anatomy of a game. It explains all the different types of genres of computer games and this will help you to decide on the type of game that you may want to develop for Linux. The book then moves on to the development tools that you will use in the development of your games. There are many excellent Linux tools that will help you to develop games and this section of the book does a very good job of explaining them to you. You then move into the subject of gaming API's that you will need to learn to incorporate into your games. Next, you will spend time in the largest section of the book which is dedicated to SDL which stands for Simple DirectMedia Layer. This is a cross-platform multimedia library that has been used in countless free games and several commercial projects. SDL works with a platform's underlying multimedia capabilities to provide a consistent and open API across multiple operating systems. Finally, this book discusses Linux audio programming, game scripting under Linux, and networked gaming with Linux.

The thing that I liked the most about this book was that the author used one game example throughout the entire book. The game example is called Penguin Warrior which is a game that the author of this book developed himself. Each chapter in the book is taught to you with code examples and pictures, and then you are shown how what you learned in each chapter was incorporated into the author's Penguin Warrior game. This is a very good teaching method. It really gets you to learn and understand the subject of each chapter in the book. By the end of the book, you have a basic Linux game that incorporates all the elements of everything that you have learned in the book, and you will have a full understaning of how this game works. You then can hack the source code of this game and try to improve it, and take the game to the next level of sophistication.

If you want to learn how to start programming games for Linux, this is the book for you to start with. It will give you a good foundation upon which to build your Linux game developing career upon. With the knowledge that you gain from this book, you will be able to download free Linux games from the Web that have their source code available, and understand how to hack these games source code and make modified versions of these games yourself. This will help you to continue your programming Linux games education. Then one day with enough knowledge and experience, you will develop your very own original Linux game, that hopefully thousands of people will download and have fun playing with on their Linux computers, including myself!
_Oliver_ Veterano Registrado
1.7K Mensagens 0 Curtidas
#33 Por _Oliver_
14/11/2003 - 16:43
Hahahah essa foi bem fundo
Pãrãrãrãrã-pããã, pãrãrãrãrã-pã,Pãrãrãrãrã-pããã-pârãrãrãrãrãm.
Essa musiquinha só sai da cabeça de quem viveu essa época, com cirurgia no cortex cerebral! Caso contrário, não tem jeito, vc vai lembrar dela pro resto da vida. big_green.png Alguém sabe se existe, portado ou emulado, o jogo Elevator Action para Linux? Quem lembra deste???
[Linux User #296645]
[ Athlon XP 2000+ / Kuruma 5.1 / Ubuntu 5.1 ]|[ 512MB DDR ]|[ Radeon 9600PRO 256MB/128Bits ]|[ ASUS A7S333 ]|[ SONY Trinitron Multiscan210sf 17" ]
Alex-gurgel Veterano Registrado
2K Mensagens 0 Curtidas
#35 Por Alex-gurgel
14/11/2003 - 17:29
Pra quem era rato de fliperama ( que nem eu ) também vale a pena o xmame, com um bom frontend gráfico ( tipo o gxmame ). Tem de tudo !!

Atualmente eu estou jogando direto o Metal Slug, o Xevious e o Zaxxon !!

Vejam esse link, também:

Skavurska !!! mostrando_lingua.png

Motorola ROKR E2 - SD 1Gb - 96Mb Swap

Windows XP - OpenSuse 10.3

_Oliver_ Veterano Registrado
1.7K Mensagens 0 Curtidas
#36 Por _Oliver_
14/11/2003 - 17:37
Pra quem era rato de fliperama ( que nem eu ) também vale a pena o xmame, com um bom frontend gráfico ( tipo o gxmame...
Eu baixei o Xmame mas não entendi nada do processo de instalação, achei muito complicado... frown.png
[Linux User #296645]
[ Athlon XP 2000+ / Kuruma 5.1 / Ubuntu 5.1 ]|[ 512MB DDR ]|[ Radeon 9600PRO 256MB/128Bits ]|[ ASUS A7S333 ]|[ SONY Trinitron Multiscan210sf 17" ]
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