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Passar dados de formulário para listview

#1 Por eduarda schw... 09/03/2018 - 07:58
Bom dia, estou com um problemão e não tenho ideia de como resolver.
Estou montando uma planilha com vários dados, no começo é feito um formulário para alimentar uma planilha que contenha todos os dados, em segundo abro um listview para procurar esses dados, porém quando os dados são cadastrados pelo formulário, o listview não os aceita e não procura esses dados.

Alguém poderia me ajudar?

Segue meu código

Private Sub EXPORTAR_Click()


Dim inicio As Range

Set inicio = Plan3.Range("A1&quot

With Plan1

For i = 1 To ListView1.ListItems.Count

inicio.Cells(i + 1, 1) = ListView1.ListItems(i).Text
inicio.Cells(i + 1, 2) = ListView1.ListItems(i).SubItems(1)
inicio.Cells(i + 1, 3) = ListView1.ListItems(i).SubItems(2)
inicio.Cells(i + 1, 4) = ListView1.ListItems(i).SubItems(3)
inicio.Cells(i + 1, 5) = ListView1.ListItems(i).SubItems(4)
inicio.Cells(i + 1, 6) = ListView1.ListItems(i).SubItems(5)
inicio.Cells(i + 1, 7) = ListView1.ListItems(i).SubItems(6)
inicio.Cells(i + 1, 8) = ListView1.ListItems(i).SubItems(7)


End With

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_Change()

Dim Abas As Worksheet
Dim linha As Integer
Dim xPesq As String
Dim xCel As String
Dim Regs As Integer
Dim xRegs As Integer
Dim xPlan As String
Dim LV

xPlan = Plan1.Name
xRegs = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

xPesq = TextBox1:
linha = 2

Set Abas = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(xPlan)
With Abas

While .Cells(linha, 1) <> Empty

coluna = 1
xCel = Cells(linha, coluna)

If InStr(1, UCase(xCel), UCase(xPesq), 1) Then

Set LV = ListView1.ListItems.Add(Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 1))
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 2)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 3)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 4)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 5)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 6)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 7)

GoTo Proxima_linha

End If


linha = linha + 1


End With
Set LV = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox2_Change()

Dim Abas As Worksheet
Dim linha As Integer
Dim xPesq As String
Dim xCel As String
Dim Regs As Integer
Dim xRegs As Integer
Dim xPlan As String
Dim LV

xPlan = Plan1.Name
xRegs = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

xPesq = TextBox2:
linha = 2

Set Abas = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(xPlan)
With Abas

While .Cells(linha, 1) <> Empty

coluna = 2
xCel = Cells(linha, coluna)

If InStr(1, UCase(xCel), UCase(xPesq), 5) Then

Set LV = ListView1.ListItems.Add(Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 1))
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 2)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 3)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 4)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 5)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 6)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 7)
GoTo Proxima_linha

End If


linha = linha + 1


End With
Set LV = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox3_Change()

Dim Abas As Worksheet
Dim linha As Integer
Dim xPesq As String
Dim xCel As String
Dim Regs As Integer
Dim xRegs As Integer
Dim xPlan As String
Dim LV

xPlan = Plan1.Name
xRegs = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

xPesq = TextBox3:
linha = 2

Set Abas = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(xPlan)
With Abas

While .Cells(linha, 1) <> Empty

coluna = 3
xCel = Cells(linha, coluna)

If InStr(1, UCase(xCel), UCase(xPesq), 5) Then

Set LV = ListView1.ListItems.Add(Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 1))
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 2)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 3)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 4)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 5)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 6)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 7)
GoTo Proxima_linha

End If


linha = linha + 1


End With
Set LV = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox4_Change()

Dim Abas As Worksheet
Dim linha As Integer
Dim xPesq As String
Dim xCel As String
Dim Regs As Integer
Dim xRegs As Integer
Dim xPlan As String
Dim LV

xPlan = Plan1.Name
xRegs = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

xPesq = TextBox4:
linha = 2

Set Abas = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(xPlan)
With Abas

While .Cells(linha, 1) <> Empty

coluna = 4
xCel = Cells(linha, coluna)

If InStr(1, UCase(xCel), UCase(xPesq), 5) Then

Set LV = ListView1.ListItems.Add(Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 1))
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 2)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 3)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 4)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 5)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 6)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 7)
GoTo Proxima_linha

End If


linha = linha + 1


End With
Set LV = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox5_Change()

Dim Abas As Worksheet
Dim linha As Integer
Dim xPesq As String
Dim xCel As String
Dim Regs As Integer
Dim xRegs As Integer
Dim xPlan As String
Dim LV

xPlan = Plan1.Name
xRegs = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

xPesq = TextBox5:
linha = 2

Set Abas = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(xPlan)
With Abas

While .Cells(linha, 1) <> Empty

coluna = 5
xCel = Cells(linha, coluna)

If InStr(1, UCase(xCel), UCase(xPesq), 5) Then

Set LV = ListView1.ListItems.Add(Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 1))
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 2)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 3)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 4)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 5)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 6)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 7)
GoTo Proxima_linha

End If


linha = linha + 1


End With
Set LV = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox6_Change()

Dim Abas As Worksheet
Dim linha As Integer
Dim xPesq As String
Dim xCel As String
Dim Regs As Integer
Dim xRegs As Integer
Dim xPlan As String
Dim LV

xPlan = Plan1.Name
xRegs = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

xPesq = TextBox6:
linha = 2

Set Abas = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(xPlan)
With Abas

While .Cells(linha, 1) <> Empty

coluna = 6
xCel = Cells(linha, coluna)

If InStr(1, UCase(xCel), UCase(xPesq), 5) Then

Set LV = ListView1.ListItems.Add(Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 1))
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 2)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 3)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 4)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 5)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 6)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 7)
GoTo Proxima_linha

End If


linha = linha + 1


End With
Set LV = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox7_Change()

Dim Abas As Worksheet
Dim linha As Integer
Dim xPesq As String
Dim xCel As String
Dim Regs As Integer
Dim xRegs As Integer
Dim xPlan As String
Dim LV

xPlan = Plan1.Name
xRegs = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

xPesq = TextBox7:
linha = 2

Set Abas = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(xPlan)
With Abas

While .Cells(linha, 1) <> Empty

coluna = 7
xCel = Cells(linha, coluna)

If InStr(1, UCase(xCel), UCase(xPesq), 5) Then

Set LV = ListView1.ListItems.Add(Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 1))
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 2)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 3)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 4)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 5)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 6)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 7)
GoTo Proxima_linha

End If


linha = linha + 1


End With
Set LV = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox8_Change()

Dim Abas As Worksheet
Dim linha As Integer
Dim xPesq As String
Dim xCel As String
Dim Regs As Integer
Dim xRegs As Integer
Dim xPlan As String
Dim LV

xPlan = Plan1.Name
xRegs = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

xPesq = TextBox8:
linha = 2

Set Abas = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(xPlan)
With Abas

While .Cells(linha, 1) <> Empty

coluna = 8
xCel = Cells(linha, coluna)

If InStr(1, UCase(xCel), UCase(xPesq), 5) Then

Set LV = ListView1.ListItems.Add(Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 1))
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 2)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 3)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 4)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 5)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 6)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 7)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 8)

GoTo Proxima_linha

End If


linha = linha + 1


End With
Set LV = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

With ListView1

.Gridlines = True
.View = lvwReport
.FullRowSelect = True

.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , "Código", Width:=40, Alignment:=0).Tag = "number"
.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , "SO", Width:=40, Alignment:=0).Tag = ""
.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , "DATA", Width:=60, Alignment:=0).Tag = "date"
.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , "ANALISTA", Width:=200, Alignment:=0).Tag = ""
.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , "DESCRIÇÃO", Width:=200, Alignment:=0).Tag = ""
.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , "CLIENTE", Width:=200, Alignment:=0).Tag = ""
.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , "MATERIAL", Width:=200, Alignment:=0).Tag = ""
.ColumnHeaders.Add(, , "HIPERLINK", Width:=200, Alignment:=0).Tag = ""

End With

Dim linha As Long
Dim xCont As Long
Dim x
Dim LV

xCont = Plan1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

For linha = 2 To xCont

Set LV = ListView1.ListItems.Add(Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 1))
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 2)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 3)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 4)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 5)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 6)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 7)
LV.ListSubItems.Add Text:=Plan1.Cells(linha, 8)

Next linha

REGISTRO.Caption = ListView1.ListItems.Count

Set LV = Nothing

lbl_registros = xCont - 1 & "Registros Listados"

End Sub

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