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GoldSmith Geek Registrado
3.2K Mensagens 12 Curtidas

Utilitário para Otimizar o seu PC

#1 Por GoldSmith 21/10/2002 - 15:37
Eles prometem até 300% de ganho em performance será se funfa mesmo ehehe. :wink:

Hare: the best acceleration utility for PC.

With Hare, accelerate any computer up to 300%, even latest generation PCs using Pentium 4 or Athlon MP; simply install Hare and be accelerated.

Accelerate your computer automatically

Hare doesn't use "classic" acceleration methods, such as a few registry tweaks, and few modified settings. Hare will improve performance no matter what software you use, thanks to a revolutionary compact 88-bit Kernel, which accelerates common system instructions. In addition to that, Hare has a very complete CPU Tasking technology designed to fit your needs; Hare determines automatically what program you use, and how much CPU it must allocate to it.

Mem Doubler or intelligent RAM management

There are dozens of RAM defragmentation software for PC; forget them all. Mem Doubler has a unique function which is able to determine when your RAM needs to be defragmented! Just tick a checkbox, and Mem Doubler will adapt to your computing style.

Automatic RAM preservation

How can you run over thirty heavy prorgrams such as Adobe Photoshop or Macromedia Dreamweaver with only 128Mb of RAM? With Hare, and its "Automatic RAM preservation" function: it distributes RAM to programs when they need it, not when they want it. [Example]

Accelerate games

With a set of pre-programmed instructions compatible with nearly all PC games, GameZap will increase your game's frames per second by near 10% in most cases. And GameZap is compatible with OpenGL!

Easy to use

Hare features a state-of-art interface, extremely easy to use. Our interface fully respects Microsoft's guidelines and is very intuitive. Most of the time, you won't have to configure Hare, since it works in background, but if you want for example to check out how much free memory you have, or if you feel like fine-tweaking Hare, you'll be delighted by its ease of use, eye-candy icons and omprehensive wizards.

And much more

Hare features other great functions, such as WinOptimize, a wizard that automatically cleans and optimizes Windows! It is impossible to list all of Hare's functions on a single webpage, so why don't you get it now and find out what it feels to have a really fast computer?

Baixem aqui:

Hare 1.5.1 Download 1.41Mb

Se os irmãos tiverem problemas para manter a eternidade, façam contato comigo pelo underground ou mp, que eu tenho a cura ehehe. :wink:

Espero que tenham entendido.
GoldSmith Geek Registrado
3.2K Mensagens 12 Curtidas
#16 Por GoldSmith
22/10/2002 - 12:32
Já que a demanda é grande atendendo a pedidos mais informações sobre o HARE:

What is Hare?


Hare will accelerate any computer up to 300%.

Computers are much more powerful than before, but software are also much more demanding in system requirements. Hare will even accelerate a Pentium 4 or an AMD Athlon.

Hare uses 2 proprietary technologies to improve computer performance:

- The main technology will improve performance regardless of the software you use. It will constantly pre-fetch and cache all data, and will also use a special rewritten 88-bit Kernel to accelerate common system instructions. It is a transparent technology that automatically restores the Windows Kernel when Hare is closed.
- The second technology is an intelligent CPU Tasking: Hare will allocate over 90% of the CPU to the frontmost application, but its intelligent multitasking motor will give just the right CPU to all demanding background apps. Hare will automatically give over 98% to the frontmost application if a processor-demanding task is requested, such as video compiling, file copying, etc.

Hare will also accelerate 2D & 3D. With a technology called HolyVision, Hare can improve and accelerate graphic display; this copyrighted technology works with any graphic card. GameZap will improve gaming performance; stop waiting for maps to load, and forget low frame rates. With a set of pre-programmed instructions compatible with nearly all full-screen games, you get the performance of a top-notch graphic card, without the price.

Hare also features Mem Doubler: with a single click, defragment your RAM, fix memory leaks or "wash" the system in order to get that just-booted feeling without having to restart. Mem Doubler automatically defragments RAM when needed and knows when it must be defragmented (intelligent defragmentation system).

Without Hare, Windows becomes slow and unstable when used several months: the Registry is full of useless items, the swap file isn't configured properly, and so on. But with Hare, and its built-in WinOptimize technology, clean the registry and optimize Windows automatically to get maximum Windows performance in minutes!

You can get up to 300% acceleration, with a single click, without making your computer unstable or incompatible. No settings to change, nothing to do: install Hare and be accelerated.

System requirements

Hare works with all 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows. It will run natively with visual themes under Windows XP!

OS requirements:
- Windows 95
- Windows 98
- Windows 98 SE
- Windows Me
- Windows NT
- Windows 2000
- Windows XP

Minimum configuration:
- Pentium/133MHz or similar
- 8Mb of RAM
- 5Mb of free hard disk space

Recommended configuration:
- Pentium/233MHz or similar
- 16Mb of RAM
- 8Mb of free hard disk space

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)


Before contacting us for any information or help for Hare, please be sure to read the FAQ. If you didn't find your question in this FAQ, please send us an e-mail at techsupport@dachshundsoftware.com. Thanks!

Last update: September 20, 2002


Q. Can Hare accelerate program launching?

Yes, Hare will automatically accelerate program launching. Hare will cache data needed to launch a program, which means you'll get the launching speed of a program you just launched and closed, every time - a 30% improvement!


Q. Will Hare accelerate the Internet?

No, Hare is not an Internet Acceleration tool - however, it will slightly accelerate heavy webpage loading, because it accelerates the browser itself.


Q. Does my processor wear out when using Hare?

No, Hare doesn't use your processor more than usual - it just uses it smarter.


Q. Is Mem Doubler better than other RAM defragmentation software?

Yes, for several reasons:

It defragments and recovers RAM more in one pass than most defragmenters in two passes.
It is very fast - the goal here is to accelerate the computer, not slow it down.
It features a unique option, Intelligent RAM Defragmentation: Mem Doubler can guess if your RAM needs to be defragmented or not.
It features another unique option, the ability to automatically preserve RAM, which allows you to launch without slowdown a lot of RAM-hungry programs. Mem Doubler automatically handles when give the RAM, and to what program.


Q. How does Hare accelerate the computer? Does it tweak some Windows settings?

Unlike most PC acceleration programs, which will only tweak a few registry settings (something anyone can do manually), and accelerate a few tidbits such as menu scrolling speed in order to let you think an acceleration is present, Hare really accelerates the computer by using two proprietary technologies:

Hare technology: the core of Hare is a re-written Kernel, working at up to 88-bit (instead of the standard 32-bit) and accelerating most basic system actions by acting as the Windows Kernel. This is done by triple-buffering all I/O data, in order to achieve an emulated 88-bit Kernel. This technology is fully safe and we have implemented safeguards in order to make it impossible to damage your computer.
CPU Tasking: the CPU Tasking technology's goal is to give more CPU to the program you currently use. Even if you don't know it, there are a lot of programs working in background and sucking CPU from your frontmost application - the CPU Tasking will know how much CPU you must give to each application.


Q. Can Hare accelerate programs?

Yes - is has been made for that! Unlike most PC acceleration programs, Hare will really accelerate programs while executing, not only launching and such.


Q. Hare seems to be a low-level utility. Are you sure it can't damage my computer?

Hare cannot damage your computer, for 2 reasons:

While it is a low-level utility, it is full of safeguards which will automatically stop Hare if any problem is encountered.
Hare makes all necessary low-level hooks in RAM. This has two advantages: the hooks are applied immediately (RAM is very fast), and if there is any problem, RAM can be erased and restored without any problem, since it is volatile and doesn't survive through program launching or, even better, rebooting.
Hare is on the market since 2001 and no one ever experienced crash or data loss because of it.


Q. What is GameZap?

GameZap is a technology to accelerate games, which is based on Hare - but instead of imitating the Kernel, it improves some common DirectX or OpenGL calls in order to make the game smoother.


Q. Do I need HolyVision?

The short answer is yes. HolyVision accelerates and improves your graphic display, and you might want to do that! HolyVision works best with fast computers, but there are a few settings to make it work with low-end computers.


Q. Is Hare compatible with OpenGL?

Yes, HolyVision supports OpenGL.


Q. Do I need to run WinOptimize?

Running WinOptimize every month will ensure that Windows won't slow down. Windows is like a room that gets dustier each day - and you never do the vacuuming! WinOptimize does that vacuuming for you automatically. There is more information about WinOptimize in Hare's documentation.


Q. Can I use Hare with another acceleration tool, for example a cache optimization tool?

Running two acceleration utilities is generally not recommended, but Hare is very tolerant and it won't cause any problem if you do so. Generally, though, there won't be much difference because Hare uses your computer at 100% of its capabilities already!


Q. A question isn't answered here. Now what?

Simply e-mail us at techsupport@dachshundsoftware.com.
"Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience ! "
JUNIM Cyber Highlander Registrado
41.8K Mensagens 1.4K Curtidas
#17 Por JUNIM
22/10/2002 - 15:27
Valeu Gold!

Já que vc tá com a mão na massa... num dá pra traduzir para BR não? :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:big_green.pngbig_green.pngbig_green.pngbig_green.pngbig_green.png

brincadeirinhaaaa..... o Power Translator dá conta. big_green.png
Eu não dou o peixe ><((((º>Ooº ... ensino a pescar! eepSkyBlue">..._)¯`·._)¯`·._)¯`·...

arkOrange">Entre no fórum para o debate cap_feceiro.png:, não para um embate!!! cap_chateado.png
Essa Luz! É claro que é JESUS!!! (by RC)
L@cerda Membro Junior Registrado
148 Mensagens 0 Curtidas
#20 Por L@cerda
23/10/2002 - 11:02
E ae galera, conforme postei noite passada instalei os bichinhos (são 5) e já notei diferença no WIN XP PRO CORP(pra melhor é claro). Hoje eu vou instalar no WIN 98 SE que tenho em dual boot. Hã já ia me esquecendo; já dei vida eterna a todos eles, se alguem quiser e só pedir que mando por e-mail é claro...!!
Inté mais galera.....

Guerras Jamais
. Sempre faça tudo pela Paz.
Detoner Tô em todas Registrado
2.2K Mensagens 5 Curtidas
#21 Por Detoner
23/10/2002 - 21:47
Obrigado Lacerdaz,

sei que todos aqui já devem ter testados muitos desfragmentadores de memória e o HARE além de tudo faz isso... mas gostaria que vcs testassem o MEMturbo só pra ver como é sua interface, parece o Defrag. do Windows e o refresh dele aparece como se tivesse almentando volume de televisão... falow.
Ryzen 7 2700 3,5GHz | 16GB DDR4 3200MHz - 14-14-14-34 | Asus B450M | HD Raid0 2 X Seagate Barracuda 1TB (2TB) | Radeon RX570 4GB 256bits
MadMax Highlander Registrado
6.5K Mensagens 1.6K Curtidas
#23 Por MadMax
24/10/2002 - 00:38
Mas melhora o quê, afinal??
No máximo faz uma limpeza porca no registro.
Aqui não deu muito efeito, não.
Não sei se é porque eu tô sempre mexendo no meu micro e otimizando ele e tal, mas eu não senti diferença nenhuma.
E o software ainda teve a cara de pau de dizer que a performance aumentou em 78%.
tsc. me engana...
Ryzen 7 5700G/ 32GB Corsair 2666MHz / Gigabyte B450M DS3H / XPG Core Reactor Gold 850W / Corsair MP300 240GB + SSD Sandisk Plus 240GB + HD Seagate 1TB Hybrid +HD Toshiba 2TB / MSI 6750X 12GB VRAM
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