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Rato Geek Registrado
2.8K Mensagens 50 Curtidas

locked EVEREST Version 1.10 (antigo AIDA32)

#1 Por Rato 09/05/2004 - 10:26

Do mesmo autor do AIDA32( e praticamente o mesmo programa) saiu uma nova versão do Everest home e Professional. Entre as novas alterações estão: Citação:

This new release brings several new features, major improvements and few bug fixes that are;

New Features

- Audit and Change Tracking of SMART hard disks health status
- Audit and Change Tracking of users' group membership
- Change Authorization feature to hide checked and authorized software and hardware changes
- Built-in ZIP library for more solid automatic report compression
- Full Albanian, Latvian and Spanish localization
- PCI and AGP devices list on the new PCI Devices page
- SQL database servers? identification
- SQL database connection to Borland InterBase and Firebird
- Network traffic monitoring in Remote Monitor

Major Improvements

- Greatly improved and extended Custom Variables feature
- Anti-virus software support for eScan
- Improved tweaking features: start/stop services, remove network shares
- Extended System Drivers, Services and ODBC Drivers page
- Support for the latest 3D accelerator technologies including GeForce 6800 and Radeon X800

Major Fixes

- Interface language switching issues in Change Manager
- Lockups and slowdowns on the Users, Local Groups and Global Groups pages
- Intermittent crashes due to DirectX-related issues.

:arrow: Download do Everest :wink:

The Pretender
The Pretende... Zumbi Registrado
8.5K Mensagens 82 Curtidas
#2 Por The Pretende...
09/05/2004 - 10:31

Ja to baxando....

Ainda num vi o Everest, vamos ver como ele eh... :wink:
OBS: Deveria estar na sala de dicas...


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