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Henry-Keys Geek Registrado
1.8K Mensagens 235 Curtidas

Dev-C++ >> Atualizações e novas versões aqui

#1 Por Henry-Keys 19/12/2012 - 14:04
Primeiramente o mais importante, de tudo:

Download versão MingW 4.7.0 >>

Blog oficial do desenvolvedor >>

Projecto na sourcefoge >>

Para quem programa na linguagem C, duvido que não conheça o famigerado Dev-C++.

Pois saiba que ele é muito antigo, usa um compilador desatualizado e foi abandonado pelo seu desenvolvedor oficial (Bloodshed) a muito tempoé de 2006. Olha só: https://www.hardware.com.br/comunidade/erros-compilacao/661825/

A última versão foi a que pode ser obtida no link abaixo: http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html

O compilador desta versão é muito bugado, apresenta várias debilidades com as versões mais recentes de toolkits gráficas (como a GTK), e o pior de tudo é que não funciona com o novíssimo Windows 8, aliás até eu reclamei do próprio Windows 8 na sala de Programação (um obrigado ao amigo MarcosFRM).

Felizmente uns caras fãzacos do Dev-Cpp decidiram dar um up no programa e prosseguir com o seu desenvolvimento.
A versão mais recente é lançado à 12 de Novembro de 2012 que traz a versão 4.7.0 do compilador MingW.

O programa está muito bonito, o syntax highlight (cores nas palavras-reservadas) está ótimo, a rotina de processamento e apresentação de protótipos de funções foi melhorado (isso acontece quando vc cria uma cache de todos os headers (.h) do MingW).

Vantagens extras (além das citadas acima):
  • TDM-GCC 4.6.1 32/64bit
  • Auto-Completação
  • Debugger GDB´
  • Instalação de bibliotecas com .devpaks
Não há motivos nenhum para não usar esse IDE, por mim ele ganha pro Code::Blocks no quesito de tamanho e facilidade para programadores first-travel (iniciantes).Testem meus amigos, são só 23 Mb. Não vão se arrepender.mostrando_dentes.png
Henry-Keys Geek Registrado
1.8K Mensagens 235 Curtidas
#5 Por Henry-Keys
15/02/2013 - 05:53
Nova versão saída do forno em 14-02-2013(5.4.0)feliz.png

Acessem aqui:

Changelog resumido:

- The console pauser will now provide more detailed information when it decides not to work.

- Startup time has been reduced by an order of magnitude.

- The class browser now redraws at least numvisibleitems times faster.

- "Search Again" (F3) is back from the dead.

- The toolbars now do not get cut off on restart after about the 800th horizontal pixel.

- The tip of the day form now does not show up anymore when opening files (again).

- Gutter auto sizing now takes folding into account.

- Files that aren't highlighted are now loaded much faster.

- Added a few hardcoded labels to the lang tables.

- Reworked the Window List form.

- Fixed some set management issues in the Compiler Options form.

- Slightly reduced compilation overhead of the IDE shell around GCC.

- Reduced memory usage.

- Exporting editors to HTML now provides a perfect copy of the color scheme.

- Fixed a memory leak in the Tools window.

- Updated Chinese, Chinese (TW) and Japanese translations.

- Added an example save file name to Editor Options >> Autosave.

- More bug fixes and feature additions here and there.

- One can now refresh the current cache contents.

- Improved array evaluating under mouse when debugging.

- Fixed a bug that emerged in code folding and improved its performance thanks to that.

- Redesigned the code tooltip and code completion: they now support (M)I and multiple levels of parent->member structures.

- The class browser now supports multiple inheritance.

- Many more bugfixes here and there.

  • Instalador com o compilador MingW 4.7.2 (25 MiB):

  • Instalador com o compilador TDM-GCC x64 4.7.1 (44 MiB):

  • Instalador, somente a IDE (2MiB)

Até mais.
Henry-Keys Geek Registrado
1.8K Mensagens 235 Curtidas
#6 Por Henry-Keys
23/03/2013 - 17:42
Nova Versão - 5.4.1

  • When accidentally clearing the code completion list, one is now given a second wind before the list is hidden.
  • Fixed an out of bounds error in the code completion code.
  • Fixed an error that caused crashes in Compiler Options >> Settings under Windows 2000 (and older).
  • Typedef structs now get formatted as "struct Foo" instead of "structFoo" in mouseover hints.
  • The debugger now preserves the current working directory when running programs.
  • Redesigned the compiler output formatter code, which now uses half the amount of code and plays nicely with GCC 4.8.
  • The mouseover tooltip now shows scope information too.
  • When trying to run uncompiled projects, Dev-C++ will now suggest to compile.
  • Resource errors now use the same formatting as generic errors.
  • Compiler, resource and find output line numbers will be synchronized when editing files.
  • Moved the MRU list to File >> *here* from File >> Reopen to reduce clicks needed by one.
  • Fixed OriginalPath spamming in devcpp.ini.
  • Dev-C++ will now prefer selecting 32bit compiler profiles by default on x86 OS's.
  • Merged Example projects into the new project templates.
  • Compiler settings are now validated again when loaded.
  • Upgraded to FastMM 4.991 for what it's worth.


Dev-Cpp com o compilador TDM-GCC x64 4.7.1:

Dev-Cpp com o compilador MingW x86 4.7.2 x86:

Vou baixar e testar no Wine.
Henry-Keys Geek Registrado
1.8K Mensagens 235 Curtidas
#9 Por Henry-Keys
06/08/2013 - 09:42
Nova versão - 5.4.2 (Maio de 2013)


Time for more fixes for the 5.4 series. The main additions include the ability to delete the current line (Ctrl+D by default), the ability to select the current line by triple clicking, and support for silent installation (since the 2013-05-26 repack).



Changes - Version 5.4.2 - 25 May 2013
  • Shortcuts are now saved independently from the current language.
  • As of RC3, Dev-C++ will now play nicely with old settings files instead of showing a 0px high window.
  • Fixed compiler default selection not being saved on first startup.
  • Dev-C++ will now suggest to disable DEP instead of crash when trying to execute data.
  • The compiler set validator will now not add any duplicate paths anymore.
  • After saving as, the window caption will now update too.
  • Fixed a few out of bounds errors.
  • Fixed a rather common bug in the MRU list ("Invalid Pointer Operation").
  • Compiler Options now does not permanently change directories before hitting OK.
  • Fixed a crash in the parser, which didn't like "#include" without any followup.
  • Fixed a whole lot of other bugs.
  • Fixed random focus tabbing order in various windows.
  • Default code insertion snippets are now only loaded on first startup.
  • One can now hide the code tooltip for the current function using the Esc key.
  • Dev-C++ will now remember the window state on startup again.
  • Fixed an error in the project HTML exporter.
  • Dev-C++ now remembers tab history.
  • One can now delete the current line using Ctrl+D.
  • Implemented line selecting functionality using triple click.
  • Updated Chinese (traditional) translations (by TOCK Chiu, alias cin.getline).

Important notices
  • For ultimate portable programming, please keep using devcppPortable.exe located in the installation folder of the portable version. This launcher will tell Dev-C++ to save its configuration files in the same folder as the executable.
  • If you're getting 'Unsupported compression method' errors when extracting the portable version, please update your archiving program. The archive uses LMZA2 compression, which was added to WinRAR 3.91 and 7zip 9.04 somewhere in 2009. The latter is just as free as Dev-C++, so nothing is holding you back to extract it.

DevCpp + MingW32 4.7.2 - Clique para baixar (25 Mb)
DevCpp + TDM-GCC x64 4.7.1 - Clique para baixar (44 Mb)


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